Semiconductor intellectual property enables faster chip design by using existing blocks. It is also responsible for improving the quality of any device, in turn enhancing the efficiency of the device. Miniaturization in electronic device size and to reduce production cost across the globe, are expected to positively impact growth of the semiconductor intellectual property market.
Increased utilization of smartphone devices is expected to boost the global market growth
Growing adoption of mobile devices, smartphones, tablets, and other connected devices due to increasing demand for high speed broadband connectivity and rampant advancements in technology, are in turn, expected to boost growth of the semiconductors IP market. Additionally, enhanced storage capability, fast processing speed, larger displays, and higher resolution displays, in turn are fuelling growth of the global mobile market. This is subsequently expected to create a conducive environment for growth of the global semiconductor IP market. According to Coherent Market Insights’ analysis, as of 2016, around 350 units of mobile devices were sold globally, which accounted for an increase of over 3.7% from 2015. Revenue generated by smartphone devices alone, accounted for over 70% sales of the global mobile devices in 2016.
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