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  • Published In : May 2023
  • Code : CMI3548
  • Pages :160
  • Formats :
      Excel and PDF
  • Industry : Biotechnology

Regional Analysis

Global Proteinase K Market - Regional Analysis

Among regions, North America is estimated to hold a dominant position in global proteinase K market over the forecast period. The growing prevalence of infectious diseases and genetic disorders directly impacts the increased demand for the global proteinase K market. For instance, as per the report from the World Health Organization in 2021, there was an increase in tuberculosis cases by 4.5% in 2021. The number of cases was 10.1 million which rose to 10.6 million, reversing many years of slow decline. Similarly, the tuberculosis incidence rate (new cases per 100, 000 population per year) is estimated to have increased by 3.6% between 2020 and 2021. Thus, the rise in infectious cases like tuberculosis, human immunodeficiency viruses, influenza, and hepatitis is anticipated to increase market growth over the forecast period. Globally, 38.4 million [33.9–43.8 million] people were living with human immunodeficiency viruses at the end of 2021. An estimated 0.7% [0.6-0.8%] of adults aged 15–49 years worldwide are living with HIV, although the burden of the epidemic continues to vary considerably between countries and regions.

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