Power transistors and Thyristors are switching devices, however, power transistors are used for high frequency application and thyristors are used in high power application. In high-frequency application, transistor is used due to its small turn-on and turn-off time. In high power application, thyristors are used due to its high current carrying capability. Thyristors are designed with alternating four semiconductor P and N type of materials and three layer of sandwich type of design is used for the transistor. Due to this design, power thyristors have heavy weight and transistors have less weight compared to the thyristor. Power transistors and thyristors devices are extensively use power electronics circuits. Power electronic controls and converts the electric power. The market for power transistors and thyristors is expected to exhibit growth in the forecast period, owing to increasing need for power management devices.
Factors Driving Growth of the Power Transistors and Thyristors Devices Market
Rising demand for consumer electronics is fueling growth of power transistors and thyristor device market globally. Power transistors and thyristors devices are used in consumer devices to control and regulate the power. Growth in disposable income is leading to increasing demand for consumer electronics globally. According to a report published by World Bank, in October 2019, in 2016–2017, disposable personal income in Thailand increased from US$ 253,848.24 million to US$ 586,575.6 million. Which will subsequently drive the adoption of power transistors and thyristor devices.
However, lack of skilled labors and increasing R&D cost may hamper growth of power transistors and thyristors market over the forecast period. Other factors such as stiff competition in the semiconductor industry and less profit margin for transistors and thyristors is expected to hinder the growth of the global power transistors and thyristors devices.
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