MOSFET and IGBT are two switch mode power supply transistors. A Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) is a field Effect Transistor that is typically formed by controlled oxidation of silicon. It uses insulated gates, which enabled changing conductivity with the variation of applied voltage as per application requirement. This property is used in amplifying or switching electric signals. An Insulated-gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) is a three terminal power semiconductor device, which is used as an electronic switch, consisting four alternating layers (P-N-P-N) that are controlled by a metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) structure without regenerative action. It is essentially a MOSFET controlling a Bipolar Junction Power Transistor (BJT) with both transistors on a single piece of silicon. The IC gate drivers generate the necessary voltage and current level required to accurately and efficiently activate the power stage in industrial, consumer, computer and automotive applications, motor drives, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), and solar inverters.
Increasing growth in the electronic devices industry is a major driving factor for growth of the global MOSFET and IGBT gate driver market
IC drivers of MOSFET and IGBT are primarily used in electronic devices as a switch and also as amplifiers i.e. to change an ongoing process to a higher voltage. Increasing demand for electronic devices is one of the key driving factors for growth of the market. For instance, according to 2015 report by Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks (HKSTP), the global consumer electronics market is projected to reach US$ 2,976 billion by 2020, with a CAGR of 15.4% in the forecast period (2015-2020). MOSFETs can operate at high frequencies and can perform fast switching applications with little turn-off losses. IGBT combines the simple gate-drive characteristics found in the MOSFET with the high-current and low-saturation-voltage capability of a bipolar transistor. IGBT gate are often used with amplifiers and to generate large power pulses, hence are useful in modern appliances such as electric cars, trains, variable-speed refrigerators, and air conditioners. Hence, these IC driver gates market is affected by growth in the electronic device market. In addition to this, increasing sales of electric vehicles is also expected to aid in growth of the market. For instance, according to Coherent Market Insights’ analysis, in 2017, the global sales of electric vehicle was 962 thousand units up from 695 thousands units in 2016.
Global MOSFET and IGBT Gate Driver Market: Regional Insight
The market for MOSFET and IGBT Gate on the basis of region is segmented into six regions namely, North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, The Middle East, and Africa.
Asia Pacific held the dominant position in the market for the MOSFET and IGBT gate Driver in 2017 and is projected to retain its dominance throughout the forecast period. This is due to high production of consumer electronics and appliances in the region, which is affecting the market growth. India, China, and Japan are some of the major emerging economies in the region with high production of electronic goods. For instances, according to India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), May 2018, the India electronic market is expected to exhibit 41% CAGR in the forecast year (2017-2020) and is expected to reach US$ 400 Billion by 2020. This is expected to lead to high adoption of MOFSET and IGBT gate, thus aiding in growth of the market. Furthermore, high sales of electric vehicles in Asia Pacific have also accelerated growth of the market in this region. For instance, according to Coherent Market Insights’ analysis, in 2017, the sales of electric vehicle in Asia Pacific was around 426 thousand units. China held the dominant position in the sales of electric vehicle in 2017. In 2017, the sales of electric vehicle in China was 378 thousand units.
North America held the second-largest share in 2017, owing to high growth of electronics market in this region. The U.S. and Canada are major growth engines in the region. The market for electronic goods and related trade has witnessed a significant increase in the recent past in the region. For instance, according to Trade Statistics of International Business Development, the exports of electrical machinery and equipments in 2017 was US$ 174.2 million up from US$167.1 million in 2016 in the United States. As MOSFET and IGBT gate are essential components in consumer appliances, demand for MOSFET and IGBT Gates, is expected to increase significantly with rise in demand for such products. This is in turn expected to aid in growth of the market in the region during the forecast period (2018-2026).
Global MOSFET and IGBT Gate Driver Market: Key Players
Key players operating in the global MOSFET and IGBT gate drivers market are Infineon Technologies, ON Semiconductor, STMicroelectronics, ROHM Semiconductor, NXP Semiconductors, Texas Instruments, Microchip, Power Integrations Inc., Vishay, Broadcom, Analog Devices, IXYS, Toshiba, Renesas, and Powerex.
Global MOSFET and IGBT Gate Driver Market: Taxonomy
On the basis of product type, the global MOSFET and IGBT gate driver market is classified into:
On the basis of application, the global MOSFET and IGBT gate driver market is classified into:
On the basis of region, the global MOSFET and IGBT gate driver market is classified into:
Global MOSFET and IGBT Gate Driver Market: Key Developments
About Author
As an accomplished Senior Consultant with 7+ years of experience, Pooja Tayade has a proven track record in devising and implementing data and strategy consulting across various industries. She specializes in market research, competitive analysis, primary insights, and market estimation. She excels in strategic advisory, delivering data-driven insights to help clients navigate market complexities, optimize entry strategies, and achieve sustainable growth.
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