Li-Air Battery or Li-Oxygen battery is a metal–air electrochemical battery or cell chemistry that utilizes lithium oxidation at the anode and oxygen reduction at the cathode to induce potential difference and the current flow. Research for harnessing the power storage in an efficient manner had begun in 1970s, which has witnessed significant investment in the last few years. Technology is expected to be commercially utilizable by the 2020s. These are expected to find significant applications in smart electronics, proliferating electric vehicles and for power grid backup applications.
Light weight, low cost, longer lasting power backup are projected to be the primary factors contributing to the industry growth
Different packaging techniques to deliver efficient outputs are implemented to enhance the stability of the cells and usability for the commercial purposes. For instance, in April 2016, Cambridge scientists demonstrated lithium air battery that was featured with 90% efficiency and durability of up to 2000 battery cycles. Moreover, these battery are featured with relatively low weight density and charge holding capacity of around 5X the conventional Li-ion cells. These application features are among the prominent factors that have garnered huge R&D investments and are expected to drive growth of the Li-Air battery market over the forecast period.
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