Key Takeaways from Analyst
The India cigar and cigarillos market is primarily driven by the growing smoking population in the country. The increasing income levels and disposable incomes have made premium tobacco products more affordable. Moreover, rising social acceptance of smoking in public places is fueling the adoption of cigars and cigarillos among young adults. That said, stringent government regulations around tobacco product display, advertising and health warnings continue to restrain the market growth. Rising taxes on tobacco products also act as a growth deterrent.
However, the market sees opportunities from innovative product development focusing on new flavors and sizes to appeal to a wider customer segment. Launch of inexpensive machine-made and small cigars is expanding the consumer base. The increasing trend of cigar lounges and bars where people can smoke socially is propelling the product trial. The growing popularity of hand-rolled premium cigars among urban working professionals present new avenues.
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