Market News
Eye Health Ingredients Market: Key Developments
- In June 2018, Bausch & Lomb Incorporated introduced an Ocuvite Blue light Eye Vitamin, which is a nutritional supplement formulated by using the Zeaxanthin and Lutein, the carotenoid pigments which are naturally occurring in the eyes. The formulation of these nutrients is comprised up of high levels of Lutein and helps in the protection of eyes from the blue light which reaches the macula.
- In July 2016, Nestle Taiwan launched upgraded Nestle Good Health Nutrition product for eye health among the middle-aged population, particularly for those who spend several hours a day using smartphones.
- In February 2016, Waitaki Biosciences, one of the key manufacturers of natural nutritional products, launched “CassiPure”, anthocyanin rich blackcurrant extracts for eye health and immune support.