Acupuncture lasers help relieve pain by a relatively novel method of stimulation. Laser acupuncture uses low-energy laser beams to influence the flow of current at the acupuncture points instead of traditional acupuncture needles. Biologically, the laser stimulation increase the cell production in the tissues, resulting in increased collagen production and blood circulation. Acupuncture laser has got more acceptability due to its non-invasive and painless properties. It is usually preferred for effective treatment of painful conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, arthritis and chronic headache in children. Tissue healing, musculoskeletal disorders, neurological conditions, cardiovascular problems, respiratory conditions, digestive system disorders, gynecological problems, skin conditions, eye conditions, sports injuries, and psychological conditions are the common application areas of acupuncture lasers.
Asia Pacific main growth engine of acupuncture lasers market, dominated by China and Japan
One of the major factor driving the acupuncture laser market is the increasing chronic diseases. For instance, according to American Pain Foundation, 2006, chronic pain affected 100 million people in the U.S., which is more than the total affected by heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Increasing concern and awareness about health and growing number of diseases are the factors contributing to the growth of acupuncture Lasers market.
Innovations in Acupuncture lasers leads to an increase in the Acupuncture lasers market
Modern lasers used in acupuncture are known as cold-lasers, as they do not produce heat in comparison with the hot-lasers used for surgery. The cold-lasers offer a variety of advantages to help regenerate cells, decrease pain, improve circulation, reduce inflammation and stimulate hair growth. The miniaturization of individual systems plays a large role. The new laser watch applies laser acupuncture and laser blood irradiation has played a large role.
Advent of carbon source lasers are expected to boost the acupuncture laser market over the forecast period
The global acupuncture laser market is segmented on the basis of product type, mechanism of action, end use and geography.
On the basis of product type, the acupuncture laser market is segmented into:
On the basis of pumping action, the acupuncture laser market is segmented into:
On the basis of end user application, the acupuncture laser market is segmented into:
The highest number of cosmetic surgeries in North America will dominates the Acupuncture laser market
Regional segmentation of the acupuncture laser market by Coherent Market Insights comprises North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East and Africa. According to the National Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine survey conducted in 2004, 30 million people in the U.S. have tried acupuncture and hence, North America is expected to hold largest share in the acupuncture laser market. In 2001, according to The Members of the British Acupuncture Council survey in 2001, the physical, emotional, mental symptoms were relieved in 75% patients.
RJ Laser is universal modular system offering high-end compact laser
Key players operating acupuncture laser market have used strategies like expansions, joint ventures, acquisitions, partnerships are Sedatelac, Hwato, Schwa-medico GmbH, Acupressure Health Care, MKW Laser system, Mectronic Medicale. RJ laser devices stand out due to the modern compact design and high level of efficiency. Physiomed Elektromedizin , Reimers & Janssen GmbH, Sorisa, Globus Italia, Iskra Medical, Fysiomed, Erchonia, StarMed Tec GmbH, Cymedics are the other prominent companies leading the market.
About Author
Manisha Vibhute is a consultant with over 5 years of experience in market research and consulting. With a strong understanding of market dynamics, Manisha assists clients in developing effective market access strategies. She helps medical device companies navigate pricing, reimbursement, and regulatory pathways to ensure successful product launches.
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