Photonics integrated circuits is a breakthrough technology that uses photons as data carriers as compared to the electron that is used in electronic ICs. The main difference between electronic integrated circuits and photonic ICs lies in the type of raw material used for its fabrication. In electronic ICs, silicon is the primary and most dominant material used for fabrication so far, while in the case of PICs, the type of material used majorly depends upon the function/purpose of the device. This technology is used to transfer large amounts of data at a very high speed. This technology is widely used in applications such as optical fiber communication, sensing, and biophotonics.
The Global Photonic IC Market is estimated to account for US$ 22,965.8 Mn in terms of value by the end of 2030.
Market Dynamics
Rising deployment of data centers by major IT companies to manage large amounts of data and integration of cloud services is expected to drive market growth during the forecast period. Nowadays, most of the countries are moving towards on-soil data requirement where customer personally identifiable information (PII) data can’t leave the country, to meet this requirement all the IT companies across the globe are establishing data center in every country. For instance, Amazon Web Service, Inc., has invested US$ 1,500 million to establish two data centers in Hyderabad owing to increased demand for cloud services in India. This will create demand for high speed and efficient data transmission in data centers and will provide lucrative growth opportunities for photonic IC market.
Moreover, growing application areas and increased functionalities are also expected to drive market growth during the forecast period. The increase in functionality as given by Moore’s law is best achieved by using Indium Phosphide as a substrate for photonic integration. This is majorly on account of its capability to support the incorporation of almost all functions essential in ICT applications. In addition, a set of building blocks including waveguide, phase shifter, amplifier detector, and polarization converter is available for Indium Phosphide and SOI platforms. These building blocks allow the fabrication of several devices, thereby granting freedom to optical designers to architect almost any optical system. Recently, there has been a steep rise in the applications of PICs in the field of optical communications, sensing, and biophotonics. Since PICs use photons as the data carriers, they are able to transfer the bulk of data over a long distance at a very high speed as compared to electronic ICs.
Key features of the study:
Detailed Segmentation
“*” marked represents similar segmentation in other categories in the respective section.
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