Medical device is an apparatus, machine, tool, instrument, in vitro reagent, or similar the product that mitigate, treat, diagnose, prevent, cure a disease and its purpose is to achieve physical, structural and mechanical action with or within the body. Medical devices are reviewed according to the risk to the patient, where higher risk products require more clinical evidence than those of lower risk products. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reviews medical technology devices and approve only those products which have met the requirements. There are three different categories of medical devices base on the risk. They are basically class I, class II and class III.
Ischemic stroke is also referred as cerebral ischemia. It occurs when the blood supply is interrupted in some part of brain and which will prevents brain tissues from getting oxygen and nutrients. There are different types of ischemic strokes like hemorrhagic stroke, transient ischemic attack, etc. Different Neuro-interventional methods are used to open the blocked blood vessel by removing the clot with help of mechanical thrombectomy, so that that part of brain is restored.
Increasing incidence of Ischemic stroke are the major factors that are expected to drive growth of the global ischemic neurological interventional medical devices market over the forecast period. Increasing incidence of Ischemic stroke is also one of the major factors driving demand for neurological medical devices and tools. For instance, in January 2022, according to data published by World Stroke Organization (WSO), stroke is second leading cause of death, out of that 70% people had ischemic stroke and 143.0% had disability-adjusted life-years lost (DALYs).
- This report provides an in-depth analysis of the global ischemic neurological interventional medical devices market, and provides market size (US$ Mn) and compound annual growth rate (CAGR%) for the forecast period (2022–2030), considering 2021 as the base year
- It elucidates potential revenue opportunities across different segments and explains attractive investment proposition matrices for this market
- This study also provides key insights about market drivers, restraints, opportunities, new product launches or approval, market trends, regional outlook, and competitive strategies adopted by key players
- It profiles key players in the based on the following parameters – company overview, financial performance, product portfolio, market presence, distribution strategies, key developments, strategies, and future plans
- Key companies covered as a part of this study include Stryker, Johnson & Johnson Services Inc., Penumbra, Inc. Medtronic, VESALIO,LLC., Sense Neuro, 880 Medical, LLC., Terumo Corporation., Imperative Care., W. L. Gore & Associate, Inc. , MicroPort Scientific Corporation., KANEKA COPORATION., Integer Holdings Corporation., Wallaby Medical.
- Insights from this report would allow marketers and the management authorities of the companies to make informed decisions regarding their future product launches, type up-gradation, market expansion, and marketing tactics
- The global ischemic neurological interventional medical devices market report caters to various stakeholders in this industry including investors, suppliers, product manufacturers, distributors, new entrants, and financial analysts
- Stakeholders would have ease in decision-making through various strategy matrices used in analyzing the global ischemic neurological Interventional medical devices market
- Neurothrombectomy Devices
- Aspiration/Suction Catheters
- Clot Retrievers
- Snare-like devices
- Others (Lasers etc.)
- Embolization Stents
- Stenting System
- Mechanical Thrombectomy
- Carotid Endarterectomy
- Stenting
- Hospitals
- Specialty Clinics
- Ambulatory Surgical Centers
- North America
- Latin America
- By Country
- Brazil
- Mexico
- Argentina
- Rest Of Latin America
- Europe
- By Country
- Germany
- U.K.
- France
- Italy
- Spain
- Russia
- Rest Of Europe
- Asia Pacific
- By Country
- China
- India
- Japan
- Australia
- South Korea
- Rest Of Asia Pacific
- Middle East
- By Country
- Israel
- Rest Of Middle East
- Africa
- By Country
- South Africa
- Central Africa
- North Africa
- Stryker
- Company Overview
- Material Portfolio
- Financial Performance
- Key Highlights
- Market Strategies
- Johnson & Johnson Services Inc.
- Penumbra, Inc.
- Medtronic
- 880 Medical, LLC.
- Terumo Corporation
- W.L. Gore & Associate, Inc.
- MicroPort Scientific Corporation
- Integer Holdings Corporation
- Sense Neuro
- Imperative Care
- Wallaby Medical
“*” marked represents similar segmentation in other categories in the respective section.